Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I think the thing I hate the most right now is packing. What a pain in the ass. I suppose it wouldn't be if I weren't such a pack rat.

I am a pack rat mainly because I personify things and become way too nostalgic. I needed to take a break for a minute because I just went through little things that I had kept from my last misadventure in dating. Receipts, a program I made for his play, movie ticket stubs, etc.

What I need right now is for all of you to email me and say:

"He is a fucker don't call him."

You may cut and paste this and put it in the email or come up with some creative version of the afore mentioned statement. To get extra brownie points include how sweet and nice I am and that I really don't deserve to be strung along by a pathological liar.

To anyone who is going through the same situation of a former mate "caught in the anorexic space between love and hate" (-Cannibal Ox) DON'T CALL. DON'T EMAIL. YOU ARE ONLY PREVENTING YOUR OWN HAPPINESS.

(Sorry for the digression. I am usually such a private person when it comes to my extremely personal life, but I am having a bit of a hard time because it is hard for me to be mean. If anyone would like to teach me how to be mean via correspondence I am open.)

As always lemonlifemail@yahoo.com


At 2:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cannibal Ox?? Cannibal Ox!! Binge and purge, LL, binge and purge. Oh, shit, I said a word twice.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Scholar said...

Don't worry Lemon---I actually found the Can Ox quote to be contextually appropriate.


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