Yo! The Movement Last entry
So the month is almost to a close. My organization of the month Yo! The Movement only has a few more days to shine until it is finally August. I hope you liked this debut feature of Lemon Life’s Organization of the Month. I wish I had a bigger audience to spread to word.
Now is the time that I am going to jump on my soap box. (If you don’t like it please skip to the next paragraph.) I have worked for a nonprofit for quite a few years now and have seen the recent trend in funding and how the economy has effected the way foundations and individuals give. The current administration would really love if you gave all of your money to Christian/faith based organizations. (Let’s just say Christian, you know you will be red flagged if you gave to a Muslim organization- which technically is faith based) The thing is though that there are a lot of really truly great organizations who are really struggling out there and need help. There are tons of ways that you can help the organizations in your neighborhood. I would be happy to help you locate something in your area. My suggestions include looking into your local public schools volunteer program, local charter schools usually have less strict guidelines about curriculum and look for innovative classes for their students (My friends have volunteer/taught dance, hip hop history and graffiti), there is an awesome website called Idealist.org that has tons of opportunities both in the paid and non-paid variety. I wish that there would be a celebrity concert/benefit for our Public School System. I do not want to diminish any of the work that people have done in the wake of the Tsunami or G8 summit, but why does something have to become a pandemic or a celebrity saying that it is cool for anyone to give a flying rats ass about anyone else.
Now that I have that out of my system I am going to let you know that the schedule is now up on the Yo! The Movement website and on the closing day Slick Rick is going to be there. I am going to try to make it, but sister’s wedding trumps any plans I have for that weekend.
As soon as the month ends, my invitation to buy your ticket (1 day or 3 day) also expires. If you are interested you will get a) a 1 or 3 day ticket to the Twin Cities 4th Annual Hip Hop Festival and b) a guest post on Lemon Life.
As always my email is lemonlifemail@yahoo.com.
Ms. Lemon---glad you jumped on that particular soapbox. I also work for a nonprofit, and our federal funding has been reduced to the point where we're offering only about half the services we did 6 or 7 years ago. I wish more people were talking about this.
i work for yo and randomly found this page.
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