Thursday, November 03, 2005

moving closer to divorcement

As I have mentioned in a much earlier posting a friend of mine in currently going through a Divorce. I am planning on holding a divorcement party and I guess I could use a little help.

Back story
My friend was married to this woman for about six years. About three years into the marriage she became extremely depressed and decided that she could no longer work but she wanted to maintain the lifestyle that she was accustomed to and continued to spend.
This made my friend have to work a lot, but he loved her so he didn’t have a problem with it. Due to his work, he was often out of town. Occasionally he’d come home after weeks to find a bunch of truly random things she had done. For example she would have bought 12 lamps, or forgotten to deposit money in the bank so the mortgage check would bounce or that she hadn’t done anything at all for the weeks he’d been gone. She would be in the same clothes, had not showered and that dirty dishes were heaped on all of the countertops

We all agree that this was sad and that depression is a crippling disease but things had gotten worse for him when checks began to bounce because he trusted her with the money and she was doing other truly horrible things.

Because she was not working and needed money she began to sell a lot of his collections on ebay or She sold his $150 architecture books and his awesome movie collection (oftentimes movies I had bought him for birthday or Christmas presents. Or gifts he had not given me yet.)

She kept all of this money for herself to buy books, lamps, clothes etc. None of this money went to the outstanding bills.

I figure that there were about 200 movies in all. I can think of about 50 movies that he had.

Readers, I need your help. I would like to have some movie suggestions since I do not know a lot about anime and I have run out of ideas. His movie tastes are as follows.

Rushmore-Wes Anderson
Jump Tomorrow- Joel Hopkins
Audition-Takashi Miike
Amelie-Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Character-Mike Van Diem
Gallipoli-Peter Weir
Miller’s Crossing- the Cohen Brothers

Email me your suggestions at Thank you in advance for your help.


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