Organization of the Month-October
There are only two days left in October and I thought I would post this information I found that the Aurora Center gives girls who are just starting relationships, this can be for boys too.
How to spot a Loser Lover...
They come on strong and quickly become jealous. Professions of love for you early in the relationship and wanting to know where you are at all times are signs of control issues and can be dangerous.
They are completely self-centered. Partners who ignore your thoughts and opinions will resist equality in the relationship.
They don't take responsibility for their behavior. Partners who do not see their own errors or flaws will blame you for whatever goes wrong.
Their temper scares you. Angry, jealous or controlling behavior isn't likely to change and will usually get more frightening-or more violent-over time.
Their life hasn't jelled. Chaotic financial problems, gambling debts, drug or alcohol isssues, or histories of losing jobs or having trouble with the law are all signs of risky partners.
They force you to have sex. No One has the right to make you have sex, regardless of how your partner tries to coerce you. Forced sexual contact is sexual assault and is illegal.
You feel that something is wrong. If you sense you're in an unhealthy relationship, you're probably right.
(This information was taken from a publication from the Aurora Center in Minneapolis. The information is not under copywright. Feel free to pass on this information and translate it into as many languages as youd like)
If you feel like you are in n abusive relationship you are not alone. Please contact local agencies such as The Soujourner House. If you are having trouble locating shelters and resources in your area please email
Please be safe.