Saturday, October 29, 2005

Organization of the Month-October

There are only two days left in October and I thought I would post this information I found that the Aurora Center gives girls who are just starting relationships, this can be for boys too.

How to spot a Loser Lover...

They come on strong and quickly become jealous. Professions of love for you early in the relationship and wanting to know where you are at all times are signs of control issues and can be dangerous.

They are completely self-centered. Partners who ignore your thoughts and opinions will resist equality in the relationship.

They don't take responsibility for their behavior. Partners who do not see their own errors or flaws will blame you for whatever goes wrong.

Their temper scares you. Angry, jealous or controlling behavior isn't likely to change and will usually get more frightening-or more violent-over time.

Their life hasn't jelled. Chaotic financial problems, gambling debts, drug or alcohol isssues, or histories of losing jobs or having trouble with the law are all signs of risky partners.

They force you to have sex. No One has the right to make you have sex, regardless of how your partner tries to coerce you. Forced sexual contact is sexual assault and is illegal.

You feel that something is wrong. If you sense you're in an unhealthy relationship, you're probably right.

(This information was taken from a publication from the Aurora Center in Minneapolis. The information is not under copywright. Feel free to pass on this information and translate it into as many languages as youd like)

If you feel like you are in n abusive relationship you are not alone. Please contact local agencies such as The Soujourner House. If you are having trouble locating shelters and resources in your area please email

Please be safe.


I am going to be an aunt!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2005


The thing that pisses me off the most about critics and North Country is that they say that Charlize Theron is too pretty to play that part. I am from the Iron Range and I am fucking gorgeous.

Screw you critics, I have jumper cables and I know how to use them!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

so what are you doing tonight?

I know that there are people who live in Los Angeles who read this blog. If you are not busy tonight, could you do me a favor and go to my friend's improv show tonight. Everyone in the group is seriously funny and it only costs $5.

Title: Above the Bar
Where: St. Nick's Pub Theater- 8450 W. 3rd St. LA CA
When: 9:00 p.m. (There are two shows 9:00 is all them, 10:00 is a show that you can participate in)

It is every Thursday so if you can't make it tonight there is always next week.

Do me a second favor and go up to Asher after the show and tell him LL sent you. It would surely freak him out becasue he doesn't read my blog.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Organization of the Month-October

This is my first send in for an organization of the month. It is by a long time reader who has worked with this organization. I am honored to announce that Lemon Life’s Organization of the Month is…..

Sojourner House

The Mission:
The mission of Sojourner House Domestic Violence Program is to provide a comprehensive program of crisis intervention,counseling, advocacy and shelter for victims of domestic violence in Mahoning County.

What they do:
They offer protective shelter to women and their children whom are fleeing an abusive environment and who cannot safely remain in their current residence. The shelter location is kept as confidential as possible to ensure the safety of residents and staff. Many victims of domestic violence are displaced without money, clothing or food and are in need of emergency shelter. The short-term refuge available at Sojourner House (up to 30 days) provides battered women a chance to think calmly and examine their options without pressure or fear. During their stay, women receive assistance to help them meet their emotional, legal, medical, financial, housing, educational and vocational needs. It gives them an opportunity to initiate solutions to the problems they are experiencing and make positive changes in their lives.

How you can help:
click here for a wish list of items that they need and how you can donate money.

The information about this organization was taken directly from their website. If you have anything you would like to add please let me know and I will post it.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Sometimes I get discouraged
I look around and, things are so weak
People are so weak
Sometimes I feel like crying
Sometimes my heart gets heavy
Sometimes I just want to leave and fly away [fly fly fly, like a dove]
Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself [ow!]
Passion takes over me
I feel like a man
Going insane
Losing my brain
Trying to maintain
Doing my thang
Hey hey hey hey hey
Put my heart and soul into this y'all
I hope you feel me
Where I am, to wherever you are [ha ha ha ha]
Sometimes I don't want to be bothered
Sometimes I just want a quiet life, with
Me and my babies, me and my lady
Sometimes I don't want to get into no war .....

-excerpt from "Umi Says"-Mos Def

Sometimes it's nice to know that you aren't the only one out there who feels so overwhelmed.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Something I Just Can't Say

Do you know what intrigues me as a Seafood and Mexican food lover, but what I will never order for myself?

A fish taco. I just can’t say it. That might mean that I am a prude, but I just cannot say fish taco in public.


Friedman was right

About a month ago a co-worker of mine, (not the pop music lover, she is now in LA) and I went to lunch to escape our office. When I got to the counter to pay, the man behind the counter asked what my name was. I thought it strange so I asked…


“Because I would like to buy your lunch today?”
“Because I am the manager and I can”
“Thank you. You don’t have to.”
“I wanted to.”

And with that he was gone.

It is not strange for me to get free stuff.

My co-worker and I sit at a table at the farthest side of the restaurant because situations like this make me uncomfortable.

“Oooh, he likes you.” My co-worker teases. “He didn’t offer me a free lunch.”

I forgot to mention that she screamed “Where is my free lunch?” after he had disappeared.

“Maybe he does, but I know what this means.” I reply. “Now this means that I am going to have money trouble.”

“You are being silly.”

A week later……

I am running out the door late, as usual to a friend’s birthday party. I grab my digital camera from the top of my dresser and unknowingly the camera strap is stuck in the top right hand drawer.


It swings like a pendulum rattling back and forth. I turn it on to see that the LCD screen is for lack of a better word “burnt out” and although it is not in little pieces it looks like broken glass.

A pure accident, not intended damage. I love my camera I would never ever break it on purpose.

But try telling that to Best Buy who talked me into buying this stupid four year warranty which does not cover this. I told my friend about it and she said that she never buys these warranties and says that people should just throw that money in the garbage because inevitably the thing that breaks is the one thing that it doesn’t cover.

Best Buy recommends that I call Sony. I call Sony the issue with my camera is not covered even though I bought the camera two months to the day of when I made the call. So, they tell me that if I want it fixed I need to send it to Connecticut and for them just to look at it would cost $171. (If you don’t remember I live in Minnesota and this is the closest repair center???!!!??)


About a month ago…..

At our normal staff meeting we find out that the nonprofit I work for is $40-$140K short of our expected incoming funds and basically if no other funds comes in we will run out of money in 2 and a half months.

Basically what this means in a Minnesotan passive way is that in 2 months we will run completely out of money and in all intents and purposes we are bankrupt. Although I would love to point fingers, you have no idea who I would be talking about and it wouldn’t make any sense to you.

This week is the first week where my hours are cut. Not that I needed to make less money than I already do.

Here is my dilemma, in an I Heart Huckabees type of way I feel that my streak of bad luck is definitely a result of that manager buying me lunch. Do I go over there and buy him lunch to even out the Karma and reverse this before anything else happens? Or is it all in my head?