Saturday, April 30, 2005

so take a look at me now

I have an affliction. There is never a time when I do not have a song stuck in my head. Also, I am highly susceptible to people influencing the songs that end up being stuck in my head. My friends love to influence me. In fact I just received an email the other day from a friend with the complete lyrics to Phil Collins’ “Against All Odds”. That was a painful couple of days. Another friend likes to put his cell phone up to the radio whenever an Arrowsmith song comes on the radio.

So, in effort to find new and interesting ways to dislodge these often unwanted songs from my head I will be featuring the songs that are stuck in my head in this blog.

Sometime this affliction is a curse because it is often bands or songs that I especially don’t like, but I sometimes like it because it helps me with my memory. I can honestly remember what people say to me or things that I have to do because of my little problem.

Todays feature: “Keep Livin’” by Jean Grae
I actually like this song. I have to piano part on a loop over and over. So, it probably isn’t her song that is stuck in my head since the piano loop is sampled. Well, since I do not know who it is sampled from this is the best I can do. (If you do know send me an email)
I saw Jean Grae last summer. When she performed this song there was some technical difficulties and the turntables lost power and after two failed attempts to get them back up the crowd convinced her to go a cappella. She is a very talented woman.

Friday, April 29, 2005

rules 1 and 2

Having read other peoples blogs I know that sometimes people write you as a result of what they read on your blog. Sometimes these people can be great and become people who are your friends and can have intelligent conversations with, but other times people who respond are complete assholes.

Although I invite people to email me and comment on things that they read on this blog, there are things that I will not stand these are:

Rule #1: No cussing me out for no reason
Why? It is rude and your mother didn’t raise you like that. If you want to discuss something with me I would be happy to correspond with you just don’t call me nasty names or insult my opinions by using expletives. (See my link to email on the right hand side of the page)

Rule #2: No dirty talk
Please do not write me and call me a slut and tell me all of the things you will do to me if you ever get me alone. There are other blogs for that I am sure and this will never be one of those blogs.

Please do not make me remind you of this over and over.

the end of my blog writing virginity

This is my first time writing a blog so be gentle with me.

I was recommended that I should write a blog by my best friend who has been writing a blog for years. (I found this out very recently) His blog is just about all of the bad things that happen to him. You might think that might not be enough to have a substantial blog, but take it from me it is enough. (I guess maybe I don’t have that much credibility since you do not know me yet) He has been run over by a car, has been stalked and has a wife from hell. Anyway, you can’t believe all of the truly horrible things that happen to him. I do not know where his blog is or I would link you to it. That may sound strange that I do not know where it is, but I guess some things should stay your own.

It has taken me a while to jump into blogdom. I guess I really do not know what I should write, but I have been told that some people just write grocery lists. (Do they think that over zealous readers will send them groceries?) If you are looking for grocery lists maybe this isn’t the blog for you. To be honest I don’t know what this blog will bring you.

Stick around and find out.